Monday, April 20, 2015


I am thinking about using this as an inspiration for a painting....  It's so beautiful...looks like a lovely home in England.

Friday, April 17, 2015

Spring in Indiana

Spring has come to Indiana.....and it is lovely!  This is not my image, but it's a beautiful depiction of Spring.  My legs are feeling great and the windows have been opened in the house....what more could a girl want????   Everyone's mood seems more upbeat..... 

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Let's has been so long since I've been on my blog.  I have been discovering Pinterest and Tumblr the past few years and spending more time there than here.  I read so many blogs that I'm not really sure what I'm doing...still trying to figure out why I'm blogging and HOW to make the site look better...more professional. 
Here's my tumblr account

Thursday, August 1, 2013

The Prayer of Thanksgiving

Monday, April 9, 2012

Knee problems

Well, it's been almost three months since my fall on the ice, and I'm still healing!  Yep, off work the past 5 weeks and just started back today....both knees somewhat sore, but I can walk better now and only start limping after I've been walking too much......arrrrgggggh.  Makes one grateful for one's health.  Too bad it takes a serious injury and recooperation to remind me of it.  (Even though I twisted the heck our of my right knee, the left one was so overused and jumped around on, that it got really swollen and painful, too).  But, I'm on the mend!!!!  Time to get back to some blogging, update my background from winter to spring/summer.....and get OFF of Pinterest for a minute or two!!!!  Talk about an addiciton!  Geesh!